Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
The "power" of Jesus: obedience to His Father
EDITORIAL TEAM (based on texts by Benedict XVI) (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)Today, Christ reveals the source of His "power": perfect obedience to His Father. In Jesus Christ obedience is not a secondary, added, factor, but an essential one. His power does not have any limit from the outside, but a limit that comes from within: the will of the Father, freely consented to the point of renouncing himself totally.
Jesus becomes one with God, so God’s power becomes His own power. The power He now proclaims comes from the source of the Cross and therefore, is the antithesis of the arbitrary power of total possession, of total permission and of total possibility. The redemption of the world rests in the prayer of the Mount of Olives: "Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done", prayer that the Lord taught us in the "Lord’s Prayer".
—O Lord. do take and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my will, all my having and all my owning; You gave it to me, I give it back, O Lord, to You.
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Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle
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