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Contemplating today's Gospel

Today's Gospel + homily (in 300 words)

April 26th: Memorial of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
1st Reading (Sir ):
Responsorial Psalm:
Versicle before the Gospel (Mt ):
Gospel text (Mt 5,13-16): Jesus said: «You are the salt of the earth. But if salt has lost its strength, how can it be made salty again? It has become useless. It can only be thrown away and people will trample on it. You are the light of the world. A city built on a mountain cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and covers it; instead it is put on a lamp-stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way your light must shine before others, so that they may see the good you do and praise your Father in heaven».

«You are the salt of the earth»

Fr. Joaquim MESEGUER García (Rubí, Barcelona, Spain)

Today, Jesus clearly speaks of the testimonial character of our Christian life: «You are the salt of the earth» (Mt 5:13). Therefore, he who does not evidence what he believes in through his behavior and his works cannot be considered a follower of Jesus Christ, who was constantly giving us example with His own life. Let us, therefore, be careful our existence does not lose its quality of salt and light, as otherwise «It has become useless, and it can only be thrown away and people will trample on it» (Mt 5:13).

Thanks God, as written in the Letter to Hebrews, «we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses» (He 12:1), saints that have permanently been giving a Christian taste to human life, have preserved the customs from the environment prevailing corruption, and have contributed to give a sparkling glitter to Divine Wisdom. One of these saints was saint Isidore of Seville, a man that, through faith and culture, worked hard to preserve the intellectual heritage of the Greco Latin world while, at the same time, innovating the knowledge of his epoch with new contributions. Through the encyclopedic and orderly method of his Etymologies, very much in advance of his times, he has been proposed as the patron of computer experts. For, when sanctity and wisdom go hand-in-hand together, they can accomplish great works for the greater glory of God and men's well being...!

Saint Isidore considered the union between wisdom and sanctity as a pastoral duty for the benefit of the faithful ones: «The bishop must have an eminent knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, for if limited only to just carry a holy life, it will only profit to himself. But, instead, if knowledgeable of doctrine and preaching, he can instruct others, by teaching them, when teaching his own ones». While pondering over these words from saint Isidore, we beg God to give us learned and saint pastors, after their own heart.

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February 16th
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

Gospel and commentary video