Today's Gospel + short theological explanation
Previous comments (November of 2006)
- 2006-11-30: November 30th: Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle Mt 4:18-22: Saint Andrew, apostle Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-29: Wednesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time Lc 21:12-19: The "time of the Gentiles" and the persecutions Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-28: Tuesday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time Lc 21:5-11: Demolition of the Temple of Jerusalem Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-27: Monday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time Lc 21:1-4: Holiness in ordinary life Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-26: The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (B) Jn 18:33b-37: Christ the King Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-25: Saturday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time Lc 20:27-40: Final states of man (II): "Heaven" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-24: Friday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time Lc 19:45-48: Jesus foretells the demise of the Temple of Jerusalem Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-23: Thursday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time Lc 19:41-44: Announcement of the destruction of Jerusalem Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-22: Wednesday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time Lc 19:11-28: Final states of man (I): "Hell" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-21: Tuesday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time Lc 19:1-10: Eternal "Life" is not simply "what comes after" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-20: Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time Lc 18:35-43: Eternal life, the "unknown known reality" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-19: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Mc 13:24-32: My words will not pass away Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-18: Saturday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Lc 18:1-8: The "nature of nature" (Foundations of Law) Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-17: Friday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Lc 17:26-37: The Last Judgment: response to the injustices of history Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-16: Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Lc 17:20-25: The "Eschatological Discourse" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-15: Wednesday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Lc 17:11-19: The prayer of giving thanks Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-14: Tuesday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Lc 17:7-10: Death: a look into reality Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-13: Monday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time Lc 17:1-6: Faith as "seed of interior life" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-12: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Mc 12:38-44: Poverty requires pure intention and generosity. The conscience, the "epicenter" of the moral Enric PRAT i Jordana (Sort, Lleida, Spain)
- 2006-11-11: Saturday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time Lc 16:9-15: "Deism" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-10: Friday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time Lc 16:1-8: The "purgatory" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-09: November 9th: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Jn 2:13-22: Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-08: Wednesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time Lc 14:25-33: The moral responsibility in the economic activity Antoni CAROL i Hostench (Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain)
- 2006-11-07: Tuesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time Lc 14:15-24: The “principle of participation” in the Social Doctrine of the Church Antoni CAROL i Hostench (Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain)
- 2006-11-06: Monday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time Lc 14:12-14: The "principle of gratuitousness” in economic activity Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-05: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Mc 12:28-34: The first commandment (you shall love God) and the second (you shall love your neighbour) form a single precept Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-04: Saturday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time Lc 14:1.7-11: Political action: a commitment to justice Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-03: Friday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time Lc 14:1-6: Origen of the "Natural Law" Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-02: November 2nd: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed Lc 23:33.39-43: Commemoration of All Souls Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
- 2006-11-01: November 1st: Solemnity of All Saints Mt 5:1-12a: All Saints Day Benedicto XVI (Città del Vaticano, Vatican)
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